Buying or Upgrading App Tamer
15-Day Evaluation
Whether you're new to App Tamer or upgrading from version 1, App Tamer 2 will run without restriction for 15 days so that you have time to evaluate it and decide whether it suits your needs. After your 15-day trial has ended, App Tamer will only run for 5 minutes at a time and will pop up reminders with increasing frequency, asking you to purchase a license. If you have questions or problems during the evaluation period, please don't hesitate to contact St. Clair Software.

License Cost
A new single-user license for App Tamer is $14.95 USD.
Upgrades from version 1 are $7.95 USD per copy. However, if you purchased your license on or after July 1, 2013 your upgrade is free and App Tamer will immediately accept your version 1 serial number.
Discounts are available for quantity purchases when you buy through our web store. Site licenses and educational discounts are also available. Contact admin@stclairsoft.com for additional information on these plans.
How to Buy
The easiest way to buy an App Tamer license is from within the application itself. Simply choose Buy App Tamer... or Upgrade App Tamer… from the App Tamer menu, as shown at right (the menu changes to "Upgrade" if you already have a valid version 1 license entered in App Tamer). Your web browser will be directed to the St. Clair Software store.